; ADM Template Creation/Modifying Date: 24.01.2009 19:03:08 ; ADM Template Author: Norbert ; ADM Template created by gpaddit (http://www.gpaddit.com) - M.Heitbrink & E.Grandel GbR ; ADM Template Filename: C:\Users\Norbert.SYSTEMA\Desktop\bginfogrup.adm Class Machine CATEGORY "Desktop" POLICY "Run BGInfo at startup" EXPLAIN !!BGINFO_Hlp KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" PART "Enter Path and command line options for BGInfo" Combobox VALUENAME "BGInfo" EXPANDABLETEXT REQUIRED SUGGESTIONS "%program files%\bginfo\bginfo.exe /timer:00 /nolicprompt" "\\%logonserver%\netlogon\bginfo.exe \\%logonserver%\netlogon\config.bgi /timer:00 /nolicprompt" END SUGGESTIONS DEFAULT "%program files%\bginfo\bginfo.exe /timer:00 /nolicprompt" END PART END POLICY ;Run BGInfo at startup END CATEGORY ;Desktop [STRINGS] BGINFO_Hlp="Start the little, needful tool at computer startup. Look at the commandline options in the help of BGInfo.\n\nbginfo [configuration file] [options]\n\n/TIMER:nn - Timeout period before applying configuration.\n\nDownload at www.sysinternals.com\n\nNOTE:Wallpaper gets updated AFTER login!"